About us

Hello everyone I think that you are trying to know about admin of this blog .It's me Anish Poudel. I research in google for 6 months and found many tricks and tips about hacking,internet,facebook,computer,cmd and several ways to make money online . First I try these tricks and found most are not working.Hence to save your time I have posted only working ones.So I think that if other people know these tricks it will be very fruitfull for them and created this blog.

As you know that this blog contains only sure tricks so feel free to apply these tricks on your computer.I am sure that you wouldn't hestiate and write wrong words in comment.You can also contact me by clicking contact button at top of the page.

Now I am going to fully describe myself. I am a part time blogger,Blog optimizer,SEO expert and analyst,Web developer. I stay at Tanahun,Nepal. Thanks for your precious time and interest to know more about this blog and a man behind it.

I loves to research and what other people do want to know about and share my ideas with them through blogging.

With this in mind to share and explore the oppurtunities of online jobs with other college students to let them earn money working in their spare time, I had created this blog and trying my best to provide jobs that can be done by each individuals.

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